Sunday, February 27, 2011

~DeAr DiArY ARsYaD 04~

Salam my dearie muhammad 28feb u are 5 months 2weeks..n next week arsyad kena cucuk lagi utk 6month punyer pulak..rasa cam baru je gi klinik aritu..nk story ape yea for dis time...hmmm...for ur new progress still lg meniarap n makin aktif ye sayang..u got new walker..n sangat cumell walker tu.. =)

ibu nk story the moments arsyad lihat dunia ciptaan ALLAH SWT yg maha indah nie... =)

ibu kawen ngan ayah kamu yg encem tu 30may 2009..heee...for the 1st 6month its nothing from my tummy..mayb time tu ibu ngan ayah blom stabil lg tu yg Tuhan tak bagi lagi zuriat..dugaan dariNya..we have to be patient n patient n patient..then on february 2010..2-3days ibu rasa pening2..rasa cam tak sedap badan..ingatkan tersalah makan..then,ayah bawak ibu gi klinik..n...urine test...n ALHAMDULILLAH...segala rahmat dariNya..ibu pregnant kan Arsyad lebih kurang 4weeks camtu..n of course i'm soo hepy n ur ayah super duper hepy..heee...syukur..then bgtau kat our family n semuanyer hepy n bersyukur padaNya..

due 14sept 2010...soo for the 1st 4months arsyad dalam tummy ibu,adela skit alahan..kat opis tak kluar sgt n banyak rest n sleep kat surau opis..thanx to ur auntie cik andak..cik kema..cik shidah..n others la yg tolong ibu...then start 5months my pregnancy,i become normal problem at all..n 1 of ur special,time ibu alahan tu kalo gi jejalan mane2 terus hilang alahan..hahhaaa...soo funny..terus sehat biler nk gi jalan2..ish3..

due arsyad on hari raya..raya ke 4 or 5 camtu..ibu hrp sgt arsyad kluar after raya sbb ibu nk mkn banyak2 dulu on the hari raya..hahahaaa...1st raya,raya kat umah wan..everythings ok..bole beraye umah tok su..petang tu balik belara raya ngan tok abah n tok ma pulak...n everything is ok..heee...that night...lebih kurang pukul 1am,ibu rasa lain macam je tummy nie..sampai la subuh makin kuat rasanyer..then ayah bgtau tok ma n we go to  hospital K.trg that morning...hmmm..

doct pon check n jalan dah tebukak skit 1cm raya kedua dah masok wad..huhu..sakit makin kuat tp jalan tak bukak banyakk...that night ayah n mak lang stay kat hospital..but they cant enter my ward,they wait at the outside..huhu..kesian ayah n mak lang..sakit makin kuat n...9am..3rd raye..ibu dimasukkan ke labour room..ALHAMDULILLAH..ayah dapat masok teman ibu..he support me...cooling me...n..Syukur ALHAMDULILLAH..lahirlah anak lelaki sulung ibu n ayah at 2.29pm on 12 September 2010...syukur sgt2...ibu n ayah harap arsyad jadi org yg berguna pada agama,bangsa n negara...amin.. =)

thanx 2 all our frenss n family yg datang tengok arsyad...ibu pantang 2weeks kat umah wan n then back our home sweet home kat bukit tunggal..thanx to ayah arsyad...coz he take care us...he cook for me...woww!!sedap ayah masak..heeee....

for u muhammad arsyad the reason i story u all the story is i hope u will always appreciate what u have n always thank to ALLAH a good person to others...we love u soo much n wanna hugg u alwaysss..heeee....nak pelokkk arsyad je slalu tau..heheee...

ok la my dearie ur 1st pict after u out from my tummy..sooo cumel...heeee...

soo....jadi anak yg soleh ye arsyad...amin...daaa...mmuahh!! =)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

JoM ExerCiSe!!

last weekend adalah hari untuk sihatkan badan..hahhaa..why?why?why?hihihi...dis is the story ye..ok beautiful readers..

on Friday morning...setelah sekian lamer saye tak bersenamrobik...saya mengajak hubby tersyg gi erobik kat batu buruk..heee...of course la en suami saya tak erobik..malu kot..hehhee..dia joging sambil tolak arsyad lam jugak erobik kat situ coz ramai yg join include pon takder la malu sgt kan..n its free..start from 730 until 830 camtu..after abes erobik pusing2 taman n tetiba nampak cam ala2 gym gitu..interesting!!

soo..kami 3branak nie pegi la kat tempat yg ala2 gym tu..haa..aper lagi kitaorg test la guna kemudahan yg disediakan..thanx to the party yg prepare all the kan..kena berebut skit coz agak ramai la jugak..yg saye geram skit kan..ader 1budak pompuan yg comey..she used 1 of the 'thing' laa n saye tak tau nama aper..heee..she said..jangan bagi kat orang lain guna..ish3..adik2..benda tu kan nk kena share..kalo tak mo share kena la suruh parent belikan...ish3..geramm jugak sabo ajer la ye..budak2 katakan...

my little arsyad berjalan2 dgn ayahnyer..

sgt berat nk tarikk..

its not moving!!!hahhaa

utk regangan!!

ala2 joging gitu..

this is the best!!macam berjalan di kayangan..n yg nie la that girl takmo share ngan org lain..haha 

then after the exercise..pekena nasi kerabu kat chabang 3..beshh sgt!promote2!!hahaa...petang just stay at home...n kemas rumah..lipat baju..basuh baju..uiii..ponat2....
n of course la continue the housewife work on saturday morning..mop lantai..sapu lantai..exercise jugak tu kan..ingatkan nk gi pasar tani nk beli pokok bajet tak mengizinkan kan cyg?huhu..wait for next gaji okay..huhu..petang bersih laman rumah skit2...n malam?tak larat nak masak laa...bukan malas tp tula...hahhaaa...out for dinner...balik umah lewat skit n go to bed wit my 2 them so much!!

so that the story mory last weekend..hope can share the moments dis weekend pulak yee...heheeee...daaaa

Thursday, February 17, 2011

~deAr DiaRy ArsYad 03~

Salam my dear this writing u already 5months dear..time running so fast kan?dah besar dah makin pandai kamu as usual u stay kat umah wan..kecian kamu selalu kena tinggal..berat hati ibu nk tinggalkan arsyad..tu arsyad stay ngan wan,if u stay wit others nanny?mayb i'm crying everyday kott.. =) dah besar nanti arsyad kena hormat wan tau..n also to atuk..tok ma..tok abah..n to oll people..remember that!always thankful to ALLAH SWT...i know u are very good kid.. =)

everyday i hope can take care of u..can see ur progress every second in front of me..really miss u every seconds dear..same as i miss ur ayah.. =) for now both of u very important to me..n also our big ur family nice kids to others n others will nice to u too..

last monday kamu kena cucuk tau..heeeee....n of course u are crying...agak kuat la jugak..mayb sbb arsyad pon tgh selsema n batuk sekarang nie..kesian anak ibu..hope get well soon dear..makan ubat?arsyad suka makan ubat..nk lagi n lagi..heee..suker if u sehat takleh la makan ubat kan...

arsyad tak bole merangkak lg for now..u still meniarap but dh expert skit coz u dah bole bergolek2 n pusing2..heee...very clever..amin.. =) tangan makin aktif nak capai whatever kat depan mata..ish3...suker kamu main sekarang nie kan..

here some ur pict..some taken by cik andak kamu...suker dia amek pict kamu n of course i like it!!thanx cik ida canteq manis..heee.. =)

kat umah tok ma..adam pon ader at the back..

what r both of u looking at??tgk cartoon ehhh...

back from clinic..manja nyer anak ibu nie..

wit ur ayah laa.. :)

super duper gumbira...hee

like this pict!!

love dia shot!

see u next diary ye..cant wait to see u..esok jumaat bole we spend time together gether kan?n also lusa..heee...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

SpeCiaL Day KeMa.. :)

the day to remember..hhahaaa...special post for my dear fren kema..also my opis mate..8hb feb 2011 kamu dah buat somthing yg bole dikatakan all ladies dah buat..nk bgtau ke?emm..tak payah la kot kann..heee...yg pasti semuanyer tak dirancang..kitorg heret dia ke kedai emas yg dekat2 n she do it..jangan pk yg bukan2 ye..ladies tau kot sbb yg bole tengok kiter yg ladies nie..suami kiter..n kaum keluarga ajer..heee..suspen je..hahaa..ok kema..u look sweet with it!! =)

only 2pict laa..huhu...
ok la..daaa....

Am I'm A GoOd WiFe...?

Salam beautiful readerss... :)
last 2days,my opis mate Syidah ader bagi 1buku nie..she said this book very interesting n suite wit me memandangkan isi2 dalam tu more related to husband n wifey nie..n my fren yg lain pon bgtau yg buku nie sgt la bagus..soo..saye mebacanyer sedikit..sedikit..n sedikit...n i feel like i want to read more n more n more..know why?hmm..saye rasa cam banyak sgt kekurangan n banyak sgt buat salah to my husband..huhu..soryyy my dear..

this book pasal amanat terakhir Nabi Muhammad SAW to all women...its about respect..loving..caring..n macam2 lagik..

balik keje terus mintak maaf kat suami terchentaa..time mintak maaf tu bgtau la kan kadang2 tak masak n kena makan kat luar sbb penat..pastu tak larat nak kemas rumah..pastu buat2 merajok..pastu macam2 la kan..heeee... =) ader ke patut dia cakap aku nk bodek malas masak petang betol2 mintak maaf..nk menangis pon ader sbb takot kalo dia tak maafkan tak masok syurga nanti..huhuhu...syurga seorang isteri dibawah tapak kaki suami kan.. :)

setinggi mane pon ego kiter as a wifey nie kiter kena downkan utk mintak maaf dari suami kiter..thats i want to try n try..huhu..all the things yg kiter buat kena mintak izin dia..dalam buku tu nk bersedekah n poser sunat pon kena mintak izin suami dulu..

to my dear husband..i love u more n more n more...please forgive me..for all the wrong..for all the things..wanna be with u till the end..amin... =)

the book..

saye bg dia present nie sbb rasa cam dah lama tak bg saye makan jugak..heee...bole kan? =)

love both my heroes... :)
hope dapat jadi seorang isteri yg solehah to Allah SWT n to my husband..amin..

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My LoVe StOrY..

'nk trima ke dia..hmmm..fikir punyer fikir...hmmm..saye takde why not i accept him as my brother..' time tu saye form 1 n my age is 13 n thats is the starting i know love... :) for the beginning, he use his classmate to know me..nak berkenalan la kan..hehhee..kakak classmate dia tu my roomate kat hostel..soo..its easy la kan..we change our biodata...n i lost it now..huhu...dah terbuang kot..sowi ye my dear...

then,somtimes he gives time tu dia dah ader awex tau..n me?hahaa..pon ader boyprend...alaaa..cintan cintun time skolah gitu camane la sgt kan..hehhee..somtimes terserempak kat skolah berdebar la jugak..kitaorg tak date sgt..

at least setahun sekali jumpe sbb dia mesti datang beraya kat umah..thanx ye sayang..heheeee...jumpe kat luar pon aderla skali je kowt..dh tak hingat sgt la..huhu..but i try to remember the moments...

ktorg jadi close balik dalam tahun 2006..bulan mac ke april dah luper la..huhu..

one night i pray..i want to know my future husband..saye dah busannn dgn komitmen yg tak pasti ni..i mean i want to serious commitment to my real husband..i ask ALLAH to give the right way to me..n...ALHAMDULILLAH..tomorrow morning he give me a message..gudmorning message.. :) woww...thanx to ALLAH..n start from that msg, we become close..n close...n kami bertunang end of 2006..kami bercinta after the engagement.. :) time tu saye tak abis study lg tau kat UUM pon on so saye pon on ajela..sepanjang kat UUM as a fiancee to mr shahrul azuandi nie,banyak yg kena jaga..dulu bole la kan bersosial lebih sket..hehhee...dh jd tunang org kena kurangkan sket la kan..heheee...

then we married on 30 May 2009...ALHAMDULILLAH...hope kekal sampai akhir nyawa ye u so much!!heeeee.... =)

its about 12years i know him in my!!!its very long kan?tp tula..dulu berangkat-angkat..sekarang dah jadi teman sebantal.. =) cheeewahh..

soo..thats the story i met him..too many memories wit him but let it be our memories till the end...amin...

the day we become one..a husband..a wifey..

after ijab qabul..

~ mr shahrul n mrs hazirah ~