Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My 2nD PreGnaNcY??

weee....2nd pregnancy?waahaaahaa..Alhamdulillah..rezeki mengandung girl sekarang nie..heeheee..

terlalu awal kan?ntah la...saye takder plak plan aper2 ngan husband so far..we accept the gift..n bersyukur dengan aper yg diberi..

but i didnt expect it at all..memandangkan baru je period kan..n last 2 week feeling not very well..morning sickness..n kat KL aritu pon tak hilang..muntah2 2-3 times..i thought tersalah makan ke..badan masok angin ke..kat umah my sis, she ask me to do the pregnancy ntah la rasa cam malas je..lgpon time tu anakanda arsyad malas nk pk pasal diri sendiri nie..

then balik teganu..tak tahan sgt..n i ask my husband utk bawak saye ke klinik..n..doct terus scan..waa...dah ader sarang rupenyerr..hee..alhamdulillah..n arsyad?pelik jugak sbb die sgt hepy mase dlm bilik doct tu..ish3..excited nk jadik abg kot..haahaa...

so baru 2bulan lebih..n masih jauh perjalanan saye as a ibu yg mengandung nie..alahan?bole tahan laa..huhu..tak larat la time cenggini..huhu..malas ajer jadiknyerr..sorry suami terchenta..sbb...macam2 sbb..huhu..

soo..thats the beginning as a ibu yg mengandung 2nd child niee...weee..hope sumer berjalan dgn lancar..amin...


  1. sayang..perhaps our child may born in the same month...ahaks~~...

  2. weee...yeke?big congrate to u dear.. =) alhamdulillah.. =)

  3. tahniahhh!!!! jaga diri k..bestnye pregnant lagi..molie pun kalau ada nak jugak! :)

  4. tenkiu mommy tu best tapi sepatutnyer kena ader gap gak sket..betulkan urat2 yg dah putus dulu..hihi...
